How I plan to raise $500k in 50 days. Day 4

Day 4

I always find it amazing the people think that because they have fooled themselves for a number of years that the just assume that they can fool you.  I, not so much.

I am talking about a deal that I was looking at yesterday where the seller of a note disclosed that the amount, rate and term of the loan was one thing.  When I investigated this a bit I found out that all three of those items were drastically different.  Instead of the note being for $44000.00, it was for $440.00  the rate was to be 5%, it was 0 and the term was to be for 120 months and it turned out that it was until the note was paid off and since the note was only for $440.00.  It had already been paid OFF!  I will have this discussion with the seller today and I hope that they will be sitting down when I break the bad news.    My only assumption at this point is that the note creator disclosed one thing to this person and they never validated it for them selves.  That is a common issue in today’s world.  We take everything at face value and never look deeper.  I think that we are taught to be that way.  I know that I was and that really hurt me in my early years of investing.  We have such a busy world that we don’t have time to investigate what is really going on in our investment world.  It doesn’t mean that we need to become cynical or become like Mr. Burns from the Simpsons.  It just means that asking the question of “WHY” has become more important than ever.

I never got to ask “WHY” when I was buying a stock or bond.  Or “WHY” when I was looking into the FOREX or COMEDIES market.  Do you know WHY?  Because those markets are set by the book makers and they don’t operate as truly free markets anymore.  They are manipulated by high frequency trading, or potential war, or thought of war or what does Ms. Yellin feel like doing today. What that really means is the non of us truly has control of our investment life.

Well a number of years ago I said to hell with that, I am going to build a company that does have control and I will partner with like minded people to joint venture on these projects and we will both sleep much better at night.  That is truly “WHY” I started this Group.  That is “WHY” I continue to look at deals and see through all of the “CRAP” that others are trying to send my way.  This has lead to our Group continually exceeding our partners expectations and will continue to do so in the future.

As I continue my drive to raise $500k in 50 days I will be glad to speak with each and every one of you that may have questions about how to use different strategies to get to where you are trying to go.

Feel free to call our office at 1-754-223-9970 or email me at


Scott Schmitz

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